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Fetchstr is a delivery community made up of friends, neighbors, co-workers and the people around you to help get the things you need throughout your daily routines.

Whether your office buddy is grabbing his morning joe, or your friend is on her lunch break, they can help fetch for you too. On the flip side, you can fetch for others. It’s a quick, easy way to earn money and help a friend. There are no couriers on Fetchstr, its just a community fetching together.

How it works:
It’s Monday. You wake up to a blaring alarm, and head to the office. Along the way, you receive a notification that your work friend is grabbing a coffee. You request a cappuccino, and by the time you get to the office, a cappuccino is waiting at your desk.

You step out for lunch. On your way out, you alert the office that you’re looking to fetch. A work friend requests a salad nearby. You fetch it for them and they send you a few dollars as a thank you.
The money is immediately sent to your linked debit card. Now, do you fetch something else, or place a request? With Fetchstr, you decide.